Meet The Team
Director of Secondary Education
Matt Baldwin
Nothing can replace the role of the teacher in facilitating an innovative, creative learning process where students can take the content and apply it in a meaningful, practical way that improves their ecosystem.
Director of Elementary Education
Tricia Ringel
To help grow innovation in our students, we as educators cultivate an environment of creativity that provides experiences, spaces and tools to expand our students’ curiosity.
Partnerships Manager - District
Steve Neese
I support identifying, obtaining, and using additional resources from outside the district. Resources include in-kind donations, sponsored training, and access to work-based learning opportunities with local community and business partners.
Innovation TOSA - District
Stephanie Rothstein
From Innovation Expo, to the 6th Grade Innovation Cohort, to our MakerSpace Communities of Practice, I am consistently blown away by the work of our educators and students and am so happy to support and celebrate them.
Director, Outreach & Student Activities
Mission College
Connor Keese
By reflecting on my purpose, discussing shared goals with key partners, and drawing inspiration from those we seek to serve, I am able to grow innovation within myself, my team, and the college.
Instructional Coach
Briarwood Elementary School
Deanna Watts
I am a life-long learner with a curiosity about the way things work and are connected. I like to share that curiosity with others, encouraging conversation and inquiry.
Innovation Lab Tech
Cabrillo Middle School
Jessica Schroeder
My goal is to create an inviting space in our lab where teachers and students have access to the most innovative technology and resources to inspire creativity and bring their ideas to life.
Central Park Elementary School
Katherine Butler
I help grow innovation by allowing curiosity and time to explore the curiosity. I also help students learn different tools in the Makerspace which allows their skills and their ideas of what they can make grow.
Don Callejon K-8 School
Emily Carlson
In order to cultivate student innovation in the Design Lab, learners are encouraged to collaborate, problem solve, and test their ideas. We grow from our mistakes and make multiple iterations of our designs and projects.
Hughes Elementary School
Lisa Rivera
I always enjoy being a learner of new technology and teaching practices that engage students in learning and having fun while learning. In the classroom I challenge students to think outside of the box and work collaboratively to elaborate on the learning and use technology in a various ways.
Montague Elementary
Alvaro Orozco
It is essential to create a safe environment to tackle everyday problems in a new way and be willing to take risks as a community to address those problems. The community of learners are then able to use the 4 Cs to create and reiterate the solution.
Peterson Middle School
Rachel Garcia
I grow innovation in myself and my classroom by being a lifelong learner. I take part in trainings that push me to help my students grow in new and innovate ways.
Pomeroy Elementary School
Stacy Butler
I know everything Makerspace. I helped create our space at Pomeroy and continue to share my excitement with our school community.
Instructional Coach
Westwood Elementary School
Elaine Mo
Possibility-minded thinking. Trying to envision possibility without any barriers and then addressing barriers one by one afterwards.
Design Lab Tech
Wilcox High School
Loren Valentini
I give my students all the tools necessary to be creative, innovative, logical thinkers and tinkers. Allowing students access to the Makerspace builds their critical thinking and mentoring skills.
ELSAT - EL Support Assessment Technician
Wilson High School
Amelia Oseguera
By being aware of the various resources and expertise available in our district.
Peterson Middle School
Phanom "Amber" Wacht
As a teacher, my goal is to create fun, engaging experiences where students are willing to explore their world and share their learning with each other in a collaborative environment.
Ponderosa Elementary School
Heidi Gou
I am a positive and curious creature naturally drawn to the arts and sciences .. "Why?"... "How is that?" ... "What do we already know as a reference point? ... "What if ..." and "I'm sure we can figure that out!" are my cornerstones of life-long learning and creative innovation for both myself and my students.
PBL TOSA and Instructional Coach - District
Sarah Loyola
One of my favorite parts about teaching is the creativity it necessitates. Teachers are innovators - it is a required part of our profession! I am privileged to be able to work with teachers across the district in support of this innovation - designing and implementing projects that make education exciting and relevant for students - allowing them to unleash their creative potential.
Agnew Elementary School
Erik Ugalde
My elementary school has over 40% of our student population identified as English Language Learners (ELLs). With our beautiful diversity, we have over 32 languages spoken across our community. We must hold high standards for all our students, including our ELLs, through real-world application and exposure to STEM-related projects. I integrate high standards with all my students and invite community members to our presentations.
MacDonald High School
Mrs. Santana
I help grow innovation in myself and my students by implementing projects to which I do not know the answer. I love learning new knowledge and skills next to my students!
Mayne Elementary School
Sharon Baeza
I incorporate STEAM activities with read alouds, science, social studies, and other lessons. My students love to use STEM bins! I enjoy seeing how my students collaborate and communicate as they work.
Mission Early College High School
Haileyesus Degefu
I believe in continuous improvement processes and will identify opportunities to work with my school and district staff including opportunities such as STEAM EXPO to design and implement interdisciplinary lessons and effective instructional strategies involving innovations.
Director of the 49ers STEM Leadership Institute
Cabrillo Middle School
Sarah Rahman
Our program strives to create an innovative, creative, and trustworthy place for students to grow, take risks, and feel comfortable being able to go beyond surface-level learning and dig deeper into their passions.
Instructional Coach/EdTech TOSA
District Level
Harini Vingralek
I am constantly asking myself questions! ("What would happen if I changed this? What would happen if I moved that? What would happen if I broke this system down completely and built it up in a new way?") Asking questions helps to force me out of my comfort zone and start to reimagine things.
Central Park Elementary School
Nicole Adel
Alongside my students, I am a life long learner and willing to try anything new. Together we celebrate our abilities, interests, and curiosities. As a STEAM school, we work on developing the Maker Mindset, independence, and solutions-oriented thinking.